首页> 中文期刊> 《中华小儿外科杂志》 >一岁以下婴儿动脉导管未闭的外科治疗



1978年来我院对22例一岁以下的动脉导管未闭的患儿进行了手术治疗,术前诊断根据体征、超声心动图及胸片作出.我们主张采取积极态度,尽早手术,尤对反复发作肺炎并心衰的惠儿更应注意.手术方法经胸膜外入路行导管结扎术,效果良好,无术后并发症及死亡.1986年7月12日收稿)%Twenty two cases of PDA in infants under one year of age were operated on in Tianjin Children's Hospital since 1978, mostly from April 1985 to 1986.rnDiagnosis was made by peripheral vascular signs and echocardiography combined with chest X-ray. The murmur may be obscured or altered in heart failure, in 59% of the patients only a systolic murmur could be heard.rnIn this age group, PDA with clinical symptoms including those of -heart failure or pneumonia should always be the indication of operative interruption. Good exposure can be obtained from the extrapleural approach. The convalescence was smooth in all patients and there was no postoperative complications or death.



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