首页> 中文期刊> 《中国骨质疏松杂志》 >不同生长发育阶段饮食运动习惯对青年人骨密度的影响




Objective To investigate the effect of food and exercise habits during the age from preschool to adults on bone mineral density ( BMD) . Methods BMD of the head, arm, leg, trunk, ribs, pelvis, spine, and the whole body was measured using dual⁃energy X⁃ray absorptiometry. The correlations between BMD of different skeletal sites and age, gender, height, weight, age of menarche or spermatorrhea, frequency of intake of milk or milk products, legumes or legume products, calcium supplements, and physical exercises from preschool to adulthood were investigated using the univariate analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results The study involved 36 men and 36 women aging from 20 to 31 years old. A statistically correlation was observed between intake frequency of legumes and legume products in adulthood and BMD of the trunk (r=0�273, P=0�020), pelvis (r=0�245, P=0�038), and spine (r=0�245, P =0�038). When stepwise regression models were analyzed, weight remained the strongest predictor of all skeletal site BMD except for the head (β=0�356⁃0�793, P<0�05). Conclusion There is no association between BMD with frequency of calcium⁃rich food intake and physical exercises from preschool to adulthood. Weight is the main predictor of BMD in young Chinese adults.%目的:探讨学龄前期到成年期饮食运动习惯对青年人不同部位骨密度的影响。方法使用双能X线吸收法测定头部、上肢、大腿、躯干、肋骨、骨盆、脊柱和全身骨密度。将年龄、性别、身高、体重、月经初潮/首次遗精年龄,学龄前期到成年期奶类、豆类和钙补充剂摄入频率、参加体育锻炼的频率分别与不同部位骨密度做单变量相关分析,再将其中有统计学意义的因素分别与不同部位骨密度做多重线性回归分析。结果共纳入72名20~31岁青年受试者,男女各半。单因素相关分析结果显示仅成年期豆及豆制品摄入频率与躯干(r=0�273,P=0�020)、骨盆(r=0�245,P=0�038)和脊柱(r=0�245,P=0�038)骨密度相关,但多重线性回归结果未将其纳入,而体重是除头部以外其他所有部位骨密度的主要影响因素(β=0�356~0�793,P<0�05)。结论学龄前期到成年期每周含钙丰富食物摄入和参加体育锻炼频率与受试者骨密度的高低无关,体重是影响其骨密度的主要因素。



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