首页> 中文期刊>自然杂志 >藏羚羊种群资源及其保护




藏羚羊(Pantholops hodgsoni)属中国国家I级保护动物,被列入<濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约>(CITES)公约附录I.藏羚羊主要分布于中国青海、西藏、新疆和四川四省(区)海拔3 700~5 500 m的高山荒漠草甸草原和高原草原等环境中.独特的高原生态环境,使藏羚羊在漫长的进化过程中,从外部形态、内部器官结构、生态习性和行为上都适应了青藏高原独特且恶劣的自然条件,从而具有最优秀的基因,因此,藏羚羊被公认为青藏高原动物区系的典型代表和自然生态系统的重要指示物种,在科学研究、生态平衡乃至人文和美学等方面都具有难以估量的价值.20世纪80年代末到90年代,出产于克什米尔的稀有奢华的藏羚羊绒披肩(沙图什)就深受贵族和富人们的青睐,被视为财富和地位的象征,巨额利润促使盗猎者大最捕杀藏羚羊,后经国家林业、环保等部门加大保护力度,加强保护区及栖息地建设等诸多措施后,种群数量及分布区逐渐恢复,但目前藏羚羊面临着生存环境、人类经济社会发展、盗猎的巨大压力,物种整体抗逆境能力仍然十分脆弱.%Tibetan antelope is listed as the first grade wildlife of China, and included in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix Ⅰ.It is mainly located in alpine desert meadow steppe and upland grassland from 3 700 to 5 500 metres, Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai and Sichuan Provinces of China. During the long process of evolution,Tibetan antelope was adapt to unique and formidable natural conditions from the aspects of the external form, internal organ structure, ecological habits and behavior. It was recognized for the department of typical representative Qinghai-Tibet plateau animal area and important indicating species in natural ecological system,which had inestimable value in scientific research, ecological balance and humanities and aesthetics. Due to luxury of shawl (shahtoosh) was considered symbol of wealth and status which was born in Yu Kashmir favored by the nobility and the rich, a large number of Tibetan Antelope was killed by poaching from the late 1980s to the 1990s. But a series of measures was put into effect such as strengthening the construction of protected areas and habitats by State Administration of Forestry and Environmental Protection Department, and thus its population and distribution areas are gradually restored. At the present time, Tibetan antelope is still faced with tremendous pressure in living environment, local social economy development and illegal poaching, and the ability of species as a whole is still very weak anti-stress.



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