首页> 中文期刊> 《中华老年多器官疾病杂志》 >扬州地区老年人、中年人及青年人听力情况调查分析




目的:调查分析目前扬州地区老年人群(≥60岁)、中年人群(≥45岁且<60岁)和青年人群(≥30岁且<45岁)听力状况,着重了解老年性聋的分布和严重程度的相关情况,为老年性聋的预防、治疗提供科学可靠的依据。方法用随机抽样的方法调查扬州市区、江都、仪征、宝应、高邮、安徽天长的听力情况。总共选取2116人,运用纯音测听、声导抗、听力筛选等方法进行统计分析。结果首先进行耳部检查,去除耵聍及异物等,确诊传导性听力损失人群(外耳或中耳疾病患者),给予治疗指导意见,并在研究中予以排除,老年组人群听力减退比例为65.57%,其中轻度听力损失为46.78%,中度听力损失为13.31%,中重度听力损失为4.25%,重度听力损失为1.23%。中年组人群听力减退比例为48.12%,其中轻度、中度、中重度和重度听力损失分别为41.76%、4.34%、1.45%和0.58%。青年组人群听力减退比例为47.05%,其中各度听力损失分别为37.12%、6.76%、2.73%和0.43%,老年人、中年人及青年人听力损失的差异有统计学意义。结论随着年龄增长,听力损失情况逐步加重。听阈随着年龄的增长而提高,并且在高频处,听力损失尤为明显。重视老年性疾病(如高血压、糖尿病、冠心病、脑供血不足等)的预防与治疗,避免噪声环境,拒绝烟酒等,对于防治老年患者的听力损失,有积极作用。%ObjectiveTo survey the hearing conditions of the elderly (≥60 years), middle-aged (45 to 60 years) and young adults (30 to 45 years) living in Yangzhou area, focusing on conditions related to the distribution and severity of presbycusis in order to provide reliable reference for the prevention and treatment of senile hearing loss.Methods A total of 2 116 people living in Yangzhou area (including the downtown of Yangzhou, Jiangdu, Yizheng, Baoying, and Gaoyou, Tianchang of Anhui Province) were subjected by random sampling and enrolled in this study. Their hearing conditions were examined by pure tone audiometry and acoustic immitance test. Their physical condition and medical history were also recorded.Results After ear inspection, earwax and foreign matter were removed, and those diagnosed with conductive hearing loss (outer or middle ear diseases) received treatment guidance and were excluded from the study. The hearing loss ratio was 65.57% for the elderly group, and those of mild hearing loss accounted for 46.78%, of moderate for 13.31%, moderate to severe for 4.25%, and severe for 1.23%. The ratio was 48.12% for the middle-aged group, with those of mild, moderate, moderate to severe and severe hearing loss for 41.76%, 4.34%, 1.45%, and 0.58%, respectively. For the young group, the ratio was 47.05%, 37.12%, 6.76%, 2.73%, and 0.43%, respectively. There were significant differences in the hearing loss conditions among the elderly, middle-aged and young people. Conclusion Hearing loss condition becomes gradually severe with aging. Hearing threshold is also increased along with aging, and hearing loss is more obvious in high frequencies. It is of great significance in the prevention and treatment of hearing loss for the elderly to prevent and treat some senile diseases (hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and cerebral blood supply insufficiency,etc), to avoid noisy environment, and to quit smoking and alcohol drinking.



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