首页> 中文期刊>中华老年多器官疾病杂志 >程序性死亡受体1/程序性死亡配体1免疫检测点阻滞剂在实体瘤治疗中的临床研究




In recent years, the inhibitors for immunity checkpoint molecules, programmed death-1/programmed death ligand-1 (PD-1/PD-L1),have obtained encouraging results in solid tumor therapy.PD-1, which is mainly expressed in activated T and B cells,plays a vital role in preventing autoimmune and auto-inflammatory reactivity in the normal host.However,PD-1/PD-L1 expres-sion is very high in the tumor microenvironment, which makes T cell activity be suppressed excessively.So tumor cells can escape immune response.PD-L1 expression level may be a predictive biomarker of its antibody treatment effect.Due to responses of long dura-tion and less toxicity,a minority of patients benefit obviously from immunotherapy.In this article, we illuminated the present resear-ches on PD-1/PD-L1 antibody in treatment of malignant melanoma, lung cancer, urothelial carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma, and so on,and also discussed the biomarkers for patient selection.%近年来程序性死亡受体1/程序性死亡配体1(PD-1/PD-L1)免疫检测点阻滞剂在实体瘤治疗上取得振奋人心的效果.PD-1主要表达于活化的T、B细胞,在限制自身免疫及过度炎症反应方面起重要作用;肿瘤微环境中PD-1/PD-L1的高表达使T细胞活性受到过度抑制,从而发生肿瘤免疫逃逸;PD-L1表达水平可能是预测检测点阻滞剂疗效的标志物.免疫治疗因其持久的反应性及较小毒副作用使部分肿瘤患者获益明显.本文旨在阐述主要的PD-1/PD-L1检测点阻滞剂(单抗)近年来在恶性黑色素瘤、肺癌、尿路上皮癌、肾细胞癌等治疗上研究的现状并在获益人群中筛选出可能具有价值的生物学标志物.



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