首页> 中文期刊>中华医学科研管理杂志 >医疗广告规范化背景下上海民营医院医疗市场拓展前景的思考



国家工商行政管理总局和卫生部公布的自2007年1月1口起施行的<医疗广告管理办法>标志着我国进入了医疗广告规范化的大背景时期.作为国内各项医疗政策监管较为严格的上海市民营医疗领域,沉淀了国内大量民营医院投资资本的上海民营医疗市场,近400家的民营医院实体,如何就市场拓展的前景进行探讨与思考,这是摆在上海民营医院经营者面前的重大课题.%Measures of the medical advertisement,promulgated by Ministry of Health and State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China.eame into effect on January 1,2007 and indicated the standardization of the medical advertisement in our country.In this condition.the perspective of the market development and some reflections concerning this kind of new medical situation have therefore considerable importance for the almost 400 private hospitals in Shanghai Municipality where a strict supervision is always executed in the medical field and a great deal of medical investment has been deposited.



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