首页> 中文期刊> 《管理学报》 >中资银行国际化的资源驱动机制:一个跨案例比较研究




针对近些年中资银行日益活跃的FDI现象以及现有研究的不足,采用理论分析和跨案例比较相结合的研究方法,解释了中资银行国际化的驱动机制.研究发现:关系资源、国际市场声誉以及管理认知等是驱动中资银行国际化的关键资源.此外,通过对案例间差异的进一步分析.发现了驱动资源之间的互补关系,以及管理认知对驱动资源与国际化之间关系的影响:当管理者既有的认知与国际化目标不吻合时,驱动资源向国际市场的有效配置就会减少,进而降低其对国际化的驱动效应.研究结论对中资银行国际化具有现实指导意义,对今后研究其他转型经济国家或者其他行业的FDI现象也有所启示.%This study develops the conceptual model for explaining Chinese banks' FDI using a methodology of multi-cases comparisons. The results which respond to the characteristics of emerging economy and banking indicate: relations with customers, foreign partners and governments, managerial cognition about international market and strategy, and international reputation are the key factors which influence the internationalization of Chinese banks; the special case of China Merchants bank tells us that there exist an asset substitution between market-based resources such as human capital, marketing and innovation capabilities, and horizontal relations with foreign partners and governments; the special case of Agricultural Bank of China indicates that managerial cognition moderates the effects of horizontal relations on internationalization. The theoretical implications of findings and future research directions are also discussed.



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