首页> 中文期刊> 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 >冠心病痰瘀辨证与冠脉病变特点的相关性研究




目的 探讨冠心病(coronary heart disease,CHD)痰瘀辨证与冠状动脉病变特点之间的关系,为证候客观化研究提供依据.方法 入选经冠状动脉造影术(coronary angiography,CAG)确认的冠心病患者368例,观察冠脉病变程度(累及支数、狭窄度)与痰瘀辨证之间的关系.结果 不同狭窄程度例数在各中医痰瘀辨证的分布:轻度、中度狭窄以非痰瘀证多见;重度狭窄(51/368)、完全狭窄(26/368)以痰瘀相兼证主(P<0.05).不同狭窄程度支数在各中医证型分布情况:轻度、中度狭窄以非痰瘀证多见(P<0.05);重度狭窄、完全狭窄以痰瘀相兼证(123/755、41/755)为主(P<0.05).冠脉病变支数与痰瘀辨证关系:冠脉单支病变者以非痰瘀证为主,多支病变者以痰瘀相兼证为主.各中医证型组间冠脉病变总支数由痰浊证、血瘀证、痰瘀相兼证、非痰瘀证逐渐增加.结论 冠心病痰瘀辨证与冠脉病变程度之间有一定的关系.%Objective To investigate the relationship between the differentiation of phlegm-stasis syndrome and the coronary artery in patients with coronary heart disease(CHD). Methods Three hundred and sixty-eight CHD patients who diagnosised by coronary angiography (CAG)were selected, the characteristics of coronary artery lesions including the severity of coronary artery and the guantity of involved coronary artery were observed. The characteristics of the differentiation of phlegm - stasis syndrome were analyzed. Results The most common syndromes was non phlegm - stasis syndrome in CHD patients with mild or moderate coronary stenosis. The syndromes was phlegm - stasis syndrome in CHD patients with severe stenosis (51/368) and completely stenosis(26/368, P<0. 05). The syndromes was phlegm- stasis syndrome in CHD patients with severe stenosis(123/755) and completely stenosis(41/755, P<0. 05). The most common syndromes was non phlegm - stasis syndrome in CHD patients with single vessel lesion. The most common syndromes was phlegm - stasis syndrome in CHD patients with multivessels vessel lesion. The vessel number of coronary lesion were gradually increased by phlegm syndrome, blood stasis syndrome, phlegm - stasis syndrome and non phlegm- stasis syndrome. Conclusion There was a certain relationship between the differentiation of phlegm - stasis syndrome and the coronary artery in patients with CHD.



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