首页> 中文期刊> 《无机化学学报》 >一种有机-无机电荷转移配合物的合成、结构及性能研究




A charge-transfer complex, [(C2H4OH)3NH]2·[HPMo12O40]·3H2O, has been synthesized and characterized.The crystal structure of the complex was determined by X-ray diffraction. It belongs to orthorhombic, space grounp Pnna, with a=1.54130(5) nm, b=1.884 23(7) nm, c=2.04906(7) nm, α=β=γ=90.00°, V=5.950 8(4) nm3, Z=4, Dc=2.427 Mg·m-3 , F (000)=4 132, μ(Mo Kα)=2.568 mm-1. The structure was refined to R1=0.043 5 and wR2=0.1224 by full-matrix least-squares method. The O atoms of the polyoxometalate, the C atoms of the organic substrates and the O atoms of water molecules are involved in hydrogen bonding. Spectral data support the presence of an electronic interaction between the organic substrate and the inorganic anion in the solid state. It is strongly photochromic under ultraviolet light resulting from charge-transfer. The electrochemical behavior of the compound shows that the redox peak currents are proportional to the scan rate in pH=4.0 NaAc-HAc buffer solution, which indicates that the electrode reaction are surface controlled processes.



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