首页> 中文期刊> 《中国感染控制杂志》 >中国护士静脉采血针刺伤现状调查




Objective To investigate the current status of nurses'' needlestick injuries during venous blood sampling, evaluate effective prevention strategies.Methods A stratified cluster sampling method was used to investigate clinical nurses in China by questionnaire, contents of questionnaire included the general information of nurses, training and management on venous blood sampling among nursing staff, adherence to wearing gloves before blood sampling, the occurrence of needlestick injuries during the process of venous blood sampling in the past year and so on.Results A total of 2 861 questionnaires were distributed, and 2 575 valid questionnaires were recovered.93.17% of the investigated nurses had participated in the training of venous blood sampling regularly;87.15% received regular check of venous blood sampling;before venous blood sampling, only 72.74% knew whether the patient had bloodborne infectious disease;only 61.01% wore gloves during blood sampling.Incidence of needlestick injuries during venous blood sampling was 20.78% in the past year.There was no significant differences in the incidence of needlestick injuries when using 3 different types of needles(Pearson x2=1.649, P=0.438).48.21% of needlestick injuries occurred during disposing medical waste.Conclusion The training and management on nurses'' venous blood sampling is better in China, but incidence of needlestick injuries is still high.It is necessary to formulate safety operation regulations of venous blood sampling, standardize the operation procedures and specify the contents of training, so as to correct nurses'' unsafe behavior during venous blood sampling.%目的 了解护理人员静脉采血过程中针刺伤现状,探讨有效防护策略. 方法 采用分层整群抽样的方法对中国临床一线护士进行问卷调查.问卷内容包括护士的一般资料及护理人员静脉采血培训与管理状况、采血前戴手套依从性、近一年因静脉采血发生针刺伤的情况等. 结果 共发放问卷2 861份,回收有效问卷2 575份.护士定期参加静脉采血培训的占93.17%;定期进行静脉采血考核的占87.15%;仅72.74%护士在采血前了解患者是否患有血源性传染病;采血时坚持佩戴手套的仅61.01%;近一年,因采血发生针刺伤的占20.78%.使用三种不同针具静脉采血时针刺伤的发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(Pearson x2=1.649,P=0.438).48.21%的静脉采血针刺伤发生在整理医疗废物时.结论 中国护士静脉采血培训与管理较好,但针刺伤发生率仍较高.预防针刺伤应制定静脉采血安全操作规程,规范操作流程,明确培训内容,以改变护理人员不安全的行为.



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