首页> 中文期刊>中华劳动卫生职业病杂志 >某地区不同石棉生产方法作业环境中石棉水平



目的 分析浙江省恶性间皮瘤聚集性发病地区1984至2010年作业环境的石棉水平,提高当地对恶性间皮瘤的认识和早期诊断率,保护工人健康.方法 在当地疾病预防控制中心收集1984至2010年浙江省某石棉加工地区的石棉纺织企业、家庭手纺、刹车片生产、石棉板生产作业场所空气中石棉的总粉尘浓度监测资料,共收集到时间加权平均浓度(TWA)数据766份,MAC数据1 233份.对其中29个家庭手纺作业点在同一时间同一采样点平行测定石棉质量浓度及纤维计数浓度.在该地石棉企业采集石棉原料及积尘,对粉尘成分进行X线衍射检测分析.结果 该石棉加工地区1984至2010年使用的石棉原料为四川省、青海省、新疆维吾尔自治区、俄罗斯、津巴布韦的温石棉,可混有SiO2、CaCO3等杂质.石棉板生产曾使用蓝石棉作为原料.石棉纺织企业上世纪60年代至80年代粉尘浓度远超过国家标准,此后粉尘浓度明显下降,但高于国家标准.石棉纺织企业作业环境中粉尘浓度超标率为95.2%,原料、梳棉、机纺、编织、劳保工作场所中粉尘浓度的超标率均在90%以上,其中梳棉显著较高.家庭手纺质量浓度的超标率为37.9%,纺机旁粉尘浓度和超标率较高.石棉板生产打浆和刹车片生产磨片的作业环境粉尘浓度较高.结论 石棉加工各种生产方法的粉尘浓度均有超标的情况,使作业工人处于恶性间皮瘤等石棉相关疾病的风险中,应引起高度重视.%Objective to analyze asbestos exposure level between 1984 and 2010 in a district of malignant mesothelioma with clustering incidence in Zhejiang Province,in order to improve the recognizing and early diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma,protect the health of workers.Methods monitoring data of total asbestos dust concentration in the air of workplace from 1984 to 2010 in asbestos textile enterprises,family hand spinning operation,brake production,and asbestos board production in Zhejiang Province were collected in the local CDC.A total of 766 TWA copies of mass concentration were collected,and 1233 copies of MAC data.Asbestos mass concentration and fibre counting concentration of 29 points of family hand spinning operation were parallel determinated in the same time and the same sampling point.Raw asesbtos materials and dust composition of local asbestos processing corporations were collected and analyzed using X-ray diffraction method.Results Raw materials of asbestos used between 1984 and 2010 in this area were chrysotile from Sichuan,Qinghai,Xinjiang,Russia,Zimbabwe,and some were mixed with SiO2,CaCO3 and other impurities.Raw materials used in asbestos board production were blue asbestos.Dust concentration between 1960s and 1980s in asbestos processing plants far exceeded the national standard.After then the dust concentration decreased significantly,but still higher than the national standard.95.2% of air dust concentrations in the workplaces of asbestos factories exceeded the standard,and dust concentrations of workplaces of raw material,spinning,weaving,carding and labor insurance were above 90% in which carding work had the highest median concentration.37.9% of dust mass concentrations in hand spinning work exceeded the standard where textile machinery side had the highest value.Beating job in asbestos board manufacturing and grinding job in brake production had higher concentrations.Conclusions Most of production technologies in asbestos processing industry exceed the standard level,indicating that the workers were at risk for malignant mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases,which should draw high attention.



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