首页> 中文期刊> 《中华医院管理杂志》 >常州市社区卫生服务中的主要问题与对策



An investigation has been conducted on the pilot projects of community health services in Chang zhou City and an analysis made of several issues hindering the full functioning of the services. The following sugges tions are then put forward. ① Leadership in community health services should be strengthened in real earnest. ② Methods of compensating funds for commmunity health services should be further improved. ③An effective management system and operating mechanism should be established and perfected. ④The building of a contingent of community health services personnel should be enhanced. ⑤Educational campaigns should be conducted at various levels. ⑥A good job should be done of community health services along the lines of reform.%对常州市社区卫生服务工作试点3年来的情况进行了调查,对影响服务功能发挥的若干问题进行分析,提出了①切实加强对社区卫生服务的领导;②进一步完善社区卫生服务机构经费补偿办法;③建立和完善有效的管理体系和运行机制;④加强社区卫生服务队伍建设;⑤开展多层次宣传教育;⑥用改革的思路办好社区卫生服务。



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