首页> 中文期刊> 《中国草地学报》 >南荻种质农艺及品质性状主成分聚类分析与综合评价




The present study comprehensively compared and evaluated nine agronomic traits (stem/leaf ratio,culm wall thickness,plant height,node number,internode length,stem diameter,plant weight,shoot number,nodal tiller number )and six energy-quality traits (water content,ash content, cellulose content,hemicellulose content,lignin content,net caloric value)of 30 Miscanthus lutarioripari-us accessions. The results showed that (1 )M. lutarioriparius has a wide genetic variation as expressed by the large coefficient variation (CV)of the above 15 traits of 4.15% ~ 75.02%;(2 )these variations were mainly contributed by the yield-related traits (mainly including plant height,stem diameter and plant weight)which can be convinced by their highest cumulative present in the principal components analysis of 33.34%;(3)these 30 collections can be classified into three groups based on the cluster analysis,namely Group 1 including 8 collections from Dongting Lake region,Group 2 including 14 collections from Poyang Lake region and lower-middle reaches of the Yangtze River and Group 3 including 8 collections from lower reaches of Yangtze River;(4)the collection B0634 from Li County is the best germplasm in the 30 collec-tions tested here. The results provide a theoretical basis for future M. lutarioriparius breeding program.%对30份不同来源南荻种质资源的9个农艺性状(叶茎比、茎壁厚、株高、节数、最大节长、茎粗、单株重、分枝数和分蘖数)和6个品质性状(含水量、灰分、半纤维素、纤维素、木质素和热值)进行综合评价,结果表明:(1)南荻种质资源农艺性状和品质性状的变异系数变化范围为4.15%~75.02%;(2)主成分分析表明,前5个主成分因子解释了88.68%的变异源,第1主成分因子载荷最高的性状是株高、分蘖数、茎粗,说明产量及其构成因子是南荻的主要变异来源;(3)聚类分析表明,30份南荻种质可划分为3大类,第Ⅰ类群由8份来自洞庭湖地区的种质组成,第Ⅱ类群由14份来自鄱阳湖和长江中下游地区的种质组成,第Ⅲ类群由8份来自长江下游地区的种质组成;(4)通过主成分的综合线性模型对30份南荻种质资源进行综合评价,结果显示来自湖南澧县(编号 B0634)种质综合评分最高,为2.778。



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