首页> 中文期刊> 《中华普通外科杂志》 >肝癌诱导新生血管形成及其干预治疗



Objective To study the relationship between the growth and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC),and angiogenesis.To evaluate the effect of antiangiogenetic agents.Method The expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was examined by both immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR in HCC tissues.Corneal micropocket human HCC implantation was established in nude mice.Results It was showed that angiogenicity of HCC is correlated with its metastatic potentials.Microvessel density in HCC tissues and serum VEGF level were proved to be predictive factors for the recurrence after curative resection of HCC,however,it is also implied by study of VEGF and endostatin in HCC that multiparameters combination should be more informative and accurate to evaluate the angiogenicity of HCC.Anti-angiogenic agents have been studied in HCC for their inhibitory effects on growth and metastasis of HCC.Conclusion It is suggested that anti-angiogenic treatment is a very promising modality,however,futher study should be addressed before clinical application.%目的研究肝癌生长、转移与新生血管形成的关系,以及抗新生血管形成的应用。方法采用免疫组织化学和RT-PCR方法,分析肝癌组织中的血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)表达水平;建立裸鼠角膜微囊移植模型以比较不同转移潜能肝癌诱导血管的能力;采用CD34抗体特异标记肝癌组织中的新生血管数目,探讨其与肝癌病人术后复发的关系;采用ELISA方法检测血清VEGF和Endostatin;建立肝癌裸鼠种植模型,采用血管形成抑制剂进行干预治疗。结果在侵袭性肝癌组织中VEGF mRNA及表达高于非侵袭性肝癌组织;微血管密度(MVD)≥100的肝癌术后复发率为MVD<100的肝癌病人的3倍。血清VEGF高水平且endostatin低水平的肝癌MVD高于VEGF低水平和(或)endostatin高水平的肝癌(73±33 vs. 47±21,P<0.05)。结论肝癌诱导血管生长的能力与其转移能力平行。肝癌组织中的微血管密度与肝癌病人术后复发有关。抗血管治疗有可能成为治疗肝癌术后复发的一种有效手段。



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