首页> 中文期刊> 《工程设计学报》 >不同工况下超前支护装备的模态分析




The supporting in advance equipment is used to support the roadway head‐on roof tem‐porarily .In order to improve the stability and optimize the structure of the supporting in advance equipment ,the modals under different conditions were studied .Under the circumstance of ensu‐ring the mechanical characteristics of the supporting in advance equipment ,multi degree of free‐dom dynamic model of the equipment was established ,the differential equations of motion was deduced ,and the numerical solutions were found out to get the vertical frequency response under specific incentive .3D modeling software Pro/E was used to establish a simplified solid model and imported into the analysis software ANSYS to analyze modal under the full support condition and single group support condition respectively .The low order natural frequency and main vibration type of the supporting in advance were obtained that provided a reference for the analysis of dy‐namic characteristics .The Polymax modal identification method was used to test the experimental prototype model under the full support condition and single group support condition .The test da‐ta was compared with the simulation results ,the dynamic characteristics and natural frequency of it were analyzed ,and the theory basis for the design and development of similar support protec‐ting equipment w ere provided .%超前支护装备用于综掘巷道迎头顶板的临时支护,为提高超前支护工作稳定性和优化其结构,对其不同工况下的模态进行研究。在保证超前支护装备结构力学特性的前提下,建立超前支护装备的多自由度动力学模型,推导出系统运动微分方程,并对方程进行数值求解,得到特定激励下垂直方向的频响。通过ANSYS和Pro/E进行联合仿真,分别对其在全支撑和单组支撑状态下进行模态分析,得到超前支护的低阶固有频率和主振型,为动态特性的分析提供了参考。采用Polymax模态识别方法对实验样机模型在全支撑和单组支撑等工况下进行了测试,将测试数据与仿真实验结果进行比较,分析其动力学特征及固有频率,为相似支护设备的设计与研发提供理论依据。



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