首页> 中文期刊> 《中国疗养医学》 >12937例孕妇产前血清标志物检测结果分析




目的了解本区孕妇乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)、艾滋病毒(HIV)和梅毒感染情况,为建立有效的防治母婴传播措施提供依据。方法对来本所做围生保健的12937例孕妇进行产前HBsAg、抗-HCV、抗-HIV1/2、梅毒4项血液传染标志物检测,并对检测结果进行分析。结果12937例孕妇中,HBsAg阳性率为3.75%,抗-HCV和TPPA阳性率分别为0.13%和0.16%,HIV阳性并得到确诊者1例。结论本区孕妇产前血液乙肝病毒的感染率较高,梅毒感染率有上升趋势,检测血清相关传染病感染有利于及早制定有效措施阻断母婴传播,对减少新生儿传染病的发生,提高优生优育水平尤为重要。%  Objective To study the infection situation of H B V ,H C V ,H IV ,and syphilis am ong pregnant w om en so as to provide the basis for establishing effective m easures to prevent m other-to-child transm ition.Methods 12 937 pregnant w om en com ing to our unit for perinatal health care w ere given serum infectious m arker test in term s of H B sA g,anti-H C V ,anti-H IV 1/2 and syphilis,and the rest results w ere analyzed.Results A m ong the 12 937 pregnant w om en,H B sA g positive rate w as 3.75%,anti-H C V and TPPA positive rates w ere respectively 0.13% and 0.16% ,one case w as tested and diagnosed w ith H IV positive.Conclusion A m ong the pregnant w om en,there is a high infection rate of H B V ,syphilis infection rate puts on rising trend,serum related test on infectious disease can do good for establishing early effective m easures to prevent m other-to-child transm ition,w hich is im portant for decreasing the occurrence of neonatal infection and increasing quality birth and quality care.



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