首页> 中文期刊>中国中医基础医学杂志 >上海图书馆藏《医林集传》残本考




Yi Lin Ji Zhuan is an ancient doctors biography,written by Li Bing-fen,a medical historian in the Qing Dynasty.It was written in 1858,the remained only the first volume had been and third volume,the middle volume had been lost.Unique copy of Yi Lin Ji Zhuan was preservated in the Shanghai Library.The book collected 113 kinds of historical documents,recorded 380 doctors biographies,according to the order of the dynasty.It recorded the doctor's basic situation,medical activities and the main academic thinkings.In the biography,compiling style was fine,easy to consulanguage words was concise,combined medicine and history;text content was integral,respected for classic.Yi Lin Ji Zhuan is helpful to understand the basic clues of the ancient Chinese medicine development,is a rare doctors biography in the Qing dynasty.%《医林集传》由清代医学史家李炳芬所撰,系历代医家传记著作.留世的咸丰八年戊午(1858)抄本,仅存上下两册、中册缺失,孤本藏于上海图书馆.全书采集子史百家文献113种,记载380位医家传略,按朝代顺序对各医家的生平、医事活动及主要学术思想作较为详细的阐述.《医林集传》编写体例精当、便于查阅,言语文字凝炼、医史结合,内容完整充实、尊古不泥,对于了解我国古代医学发展的基本脉络大有裨益,实属清代为数不多的一部医家传记.



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