首页> 中文期刊>中国中医基础医学杂志 >从小儿“稚阳”论捏脊之要




清·吴鞠通以“稚阴稚阳”之说论及小儿体质,究其本源实为意指小儿生长发育的动态态势和小儿出生机体柔弱的生理特点.然而小儿体内之“阳”为生命之始、变化之端,小儿阳气未长,其阳易“妄行而为热,归于心肝”“不足而为虚,归于肺脾肾”.因此小儿如草木之芽、受气初生,当以“固护引领”为要,引“阳”补其不足入经脉.传统的捏脊手法重在通调督脉,仅强调督脉沿线的刺激,笔者则认为捏脊之要应重在汇聚阳气入督而达“引领”之效.因此在小儿捏脊过程中,应注重手法的作用方向及角度,加强手法对督脉的刺激,同时强调手法作用向脊柱正中线上的方向性及推挤的对称用力,即可达到“引领”小儿一身“稚阳”归位而统御周身的目的.%In traditional chinese medicine,when people talk about the physique of children,the concept of "chun Yang zhi ti" or "Zhi Yin Zhi Yang" was used frequently.That means the growth and development of children would tend to be unstable in different situation,and the disease would become diversification.We believed that through the properly application in Nieji techniques was used in children,the physique of children would get greatly improved.Base on the clinical practice,we realized that chiropractic approach is primarily by pooling the "Du meridian" and leading "yang" to it.At the same time,we also believed that the essential of chiropractic is the operation on the center lines on the body.This paper focused on the correctly direction and angle in manipulative treatment,and try to demonstrate the theory of "leading yang concept"in the physique of children.



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