首页> 中文期刊>中国中医基础医学杂志 >相关因素对中风病中经络急性期证候的影响




Objective To study the influence of the related factors on the stroke of meridian acute period syndrome.Methods:Investigate 242 cases of stroke acute phase information and syndromes of hospitalized patients in the meridian.Then analyze statistically.Results:The smaller age,the shorter the time.The higher possibility of suffering from the wind fire inflammation on patients with complicated hypertension,The lower possibility of suffering from the wind fire inflammation on patients with complicated coronary heart disease.The longer time,the higher possibility of suffering from syndrome of wind-phlegm stasis.For Female patients,the shorter the time,the higher possibility of suffering from phlegmheat excess syndrome.The Older you get,the greater the chance a Qideficiency and blood stasis.Conclusion:stroke syndromes is influenced by many factors,during the clinical about stroke prevention,we should follow the of principle "prevention before onset and prevention from deterioration".On the basis of syndrome differentiation primary disease,we can take traditional Chinese medicine prevention according the relevant information.Once the stroke happened,we should apply to the syndrome differentiation treatment accurately of patients with all informations.%目的:研究相关因素对中风病中经络急性期证候的影响.方法:调查242例中风病中经络急性期住院患者的相关信息及中医证候进行统计分析.结果:年龄小、合并高血压、不合并冠心病者风火上炎证发生率高,发病时间长者风痰瘀阻证发生率高,女性患者痰热腑实证发生率高,发病时间短者风火上炎证、痰热腑实证发生率高,年龄大者气虚血瘀证发生率高.结论:中风病的证候受多种因素的影响,临床在中风病的预防中应遵循“未病先防、既病防变”的原则,可在治疗原发病的基础上依据相关因素进行中医证候学预防,一旦发生中风应综合患者所有信息进行准确的辨证论治.



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