首页> 中文期刊> 《中华实用儿科临床杂志》 >功能磁共振尿路造影对儿童肾积水单侧肾功能的评估价值



Objective To assess the value of functional magnetic resonance urography (fMRU)for the unilateral renal function in children with hydronephrosis.Methods Fourteen children with congenital hydronephrosis (unilateral hydronephrosis in 1 2 cases,bilateral hydronephrosis in 2 cases)examined by fMRU in Beijing Children′s Hospital,Capital Medical University,were enrolled.In 7 patients of them,diuretic renal scintigraphy (DRS)was per-formed within 1 0 days before fMRU examination.The following parameters in fMRU,as renal parenchymal volume,volu-metric differential renal function (vDRF),Patlak,Patlak differential renal function (pDRF),index of glomerular filtra-tion rate (GFR)and differential renal function based on index of GFR (gDRF),were calculated and analyzed.Statisti-cal analysis was performed by using SPSS 1 3.0.Results In 7 cases whose fMRU and DRS were examined,the indexes of GFR obtained from fMRU and GFR from DRS were well correlated (r =0.892,P <0.001 )in 1 4 kidneys.The gDRF determined by 2 methods on the left kidneys[the average was(46.80 ±1 9.20)% and(45.1 8 ±20.29)%,respective-ly]had no significant difference (t =0.051 6,P =0.624),which was also highly correlated (r =0.91 2,P =0.004). In 1 2 cases with unilateral hydronephrosis,vDRF,pDRF,index of GFR and gDRF in hydronephrotic side[(43.54 ± 9.61 )%,(42.80 ±1 0.83)%,(38.56 ±29.23)mL/min,(38.37 ±1 3.61 )%]were all less than those in the con-tralateral side[(56.46 ±9.61 )%,(57.1 9 ±1 0.83)%,(57.02 ±26.22)mL/min,(61 .63 ±1 3.61 )%](t =2.326, 2.300,2.422,2.960;P =0.040,0.042,0.034,0.01 3).However,there was no statistical difference in both renal pa-renchymal volume and Patlak between the hydronephrotic and the contralateral side kidneys(t =1 .765,1 .450;P =0.1 05,0.1 75).Conclusions fMRU is a very valuable examination method in evaluating single kidney function in children with congenital hydronephrosis,and able to demonstrate that gDRF,indexes of GFR,vDRF and pDRF decrease in the hydronephrotic kidney.%目的:研究在儿童肾积水中功能磁共振尿路造影(fMRU)对单侧肾脏功能的评估价值。方法收集首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院成功完成 fMRU 检查的肾积水患儿14例(单侧肾积水12例、双侧肾积水2例),其中7例同时进行了核医学利尿性肾动态显像(DRS)。fMRU 所得主要功能参数为单肾体积、单肾patlak 数(滤过率/mL)、单肾肾小球滤过率(GFR)指数,以及基于体积、patlak 数及 GFR 的3种分肾功能(vDRF、pDRF 和 gDRF)。DRS 所得参数为 GFR、gDRF。使用 SPSS 13.0软件进行统计分析。结果在行 fMRU与 DRS 2种检查的7例14个肾脏,前者所得单肾 GFR 指数与后者所得 GFR 高度相关(r =0.892,P <0.001);2种方法所得的 gDRF (均取左侧)分别为(46.80±19.20)%、(45.18±20.29)%,差异无统计学意义(t =0.0516,P =0.624),且高度相关(r =0.912,P =0.004)。12例积水侧肾脏 vDRF、pDRF、GFR 指数及 gDRF [(43.54±9.61)%、(42.80±10.83)%、(38.56±29.23)mL/min、(38.37±13.61)%]均较健侧小[(56.46±9.61)%、(57.19±10.83)%、(57.02±26.22)mL/min、(61.63±13.61)%](t =2.326、2.300、2.422、2.960, P =0.040、0.042、0.034、0.013);12例积水侧肾体积、patlak 数虽较健侧小,但差异无统计学意义(t =1.765、1.450,P =0.105、0.175)。结论在儿童肾积水,fMRU 是评估单肾功能非常有价值的检查方法,可显示积水肾脏 vDRF、pDRF、GFR 指数及 gDRF 降低,以 gDRF 改变明显。



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