首页> 中文期刊> 《中国男科学杂志》 >男性更年期综合征症状评分与性激素水平相关性研究(附1252例报告)




目的 探讨男性更年期综合征症状评分与性激素水平的相关性.方法 对1252例男性更年期综合征患者采用伊斯坦布尔Bosphorus心理科使用的评分表进行症状评分,并对每例患者进行性激素水平测定,根据测定结果分析年龄、症状评分与性激素水平的相关性.结果 1252例患者平均年龄(56.57±6.53)岁,其中,体能和血管收缩症状评分阳性者305例,精神心理症状评分阳性者990例,性方面问题评分阳性者545例,总睾酮(T)低于正常值者有78例,占6.01%,游离睾酮(FT)中有455例低于正常值,占36.34%.结论 T与年龄、症状评分的相关性不大,游离睾酮与年龄、症状评分呈负相关,与性方面问题的症状评分相关性不强.%Objective To investigate the relationship between scores of male climacteric symptom and levels of the sex hormones. Methods All 1252 patients with climacteric symptom were graded by PADAM Scale used in Istanbul Bosphorus Psych Department. Levels of serum sex hormones of all patients were detected. Results The average age of the 1252 patients was 56.57±6.53. The number of positive cases with score of physical ability and vasomotion symptom was 305, with score of mental psychological state was 990, and with score of sexual function was 545. There were 78 cases (6.01%) with low level of total testosterone and 445 cases (36.34%) with low level of f-testosterone.Conclusion No significant correlation was found between the level of total testosterone and age and symptom scores.Level of free testosterone was negatively correlated with the age and symptom scores, but not correlated with score of sexual function.



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