首页> 中文期刊>中国医院管理 >门诊处方费用与医师职业特征的关联性分析




目的 研究门诊处方费用与医师职业特征的关联性.方法 通过医院信息系统收集北京同仁眼科中心2009年4月-2010年10月期间的门诊处方数据,分析次均处方费用与医师职称、专业、行政归属、退休与否、普通与特需门诊等因素的关联度.结果外院进修医师和住院医师的次均处方费用明显高于其他各级医师,特需门诊的次均处方费用也明显高于普通门诊.结论 门诊处方费用与医师的职业特征有关联性,控制大处方应关注特定的医师人群和特需门诊.%Objective To evaluate the relevance of outpatient prescription expense and the physicians' professional characteristics. Methods Outpatient prescription data of Being Tongren Eye Center from April, 2009 to October, 2010 were collected by hospital information system. The relevance of prescription expense and doctors' title, specialty, administrative ownership, retirement condition, general or high-price outpatient service was analyzed. Results Prescriptions expense from training physicians and residents were significantly higher than those from physicians of other levels. High-price outpatient service also had much higher prescription expense than general outpatient clinics. Conclusion Outpatient prescription expense was associated with physicians' professional characteristics. Controlling of high-expense prescriptions should focus on specific physician levels and high-price outpatient service.



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