首页> 中文期刊>中国医院管理 >基于CBM的大型医院科室合著网络探析




目的:探讨医院专科化趋势下跨科室协作的可能性,为构建临床科室协作平台提供依据.并介绍华西医院学科协作经验.方法以医院科室科研合著网络为切入点,应用社会网络技术.对医院科室合著情况进行量化分析,并对合著网络进行可视化处理.结果:目前该大型综合性医院专科化明显.但院内合著趋势强,尤其心内科与胸心外科、神经内科与神经外科关系十分密切,以老年科为中心形成多个内科科室集群.结论医院应因势利导,进行组织与管理创新,促进心脏诊疗/神经以及老年病诊疗协作平台构建,努力实践"以病人为中心".%Objective With the trend of specialization in the hospital, the possibility of multi-departments' cooperation is investigated to provide a basis for the cooperation of clinical departments. Methods Through taking network, social-network technique is employed to analyze the situation of hospital's co-department and make it visual. Results At present, the trend of specialization in large hospitals is increasing. X-ray department plays an important role in assisting clinical departments. The heart's and nervous-system's departments are connected with each other closely with geriatrics as a cluster of internal medicine departments. Conclusion According to the situation, innovation on management and organization is needed to promote the cooperation of treatment for heartservous system and geriatric clinic and to practice "regarding patients as the center".



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