首页> 中文期刊>中国全科医学 >广东省欠发达地区全科医师骨干培训班学员的学历教育现状及需求分析



Objective To know the present situation and demand of deploma education for primary backbone doctors in less developed regions of Guangdong Province so as to provide an evidence for construction of primary health personnel.Methods A self - designed questionnaire survey was conducted among 194 students from the training program for backbone general practitioners in Guangdong Province.Results Among 194 surveyed primary backbone doctors, there were 63.9% of the respondents who had participated or were being in the program of in - service diploma education.The main form of diploma education was on the part time basis, accounting for 79.0%.Some 86.1 % of the respondents had a demand for diploma education, and there were significant differences in demand among the primary backbone doctors with different professional titles and in different professional fields ( P <0.05 ).The respondents with primary titles or below had a higher demand than those with intermediate titles or above; and the respondents on the regular payroll had a higher demand than those not on the regular pay-roll.Conclusion Primary backbone doctors have a larger demand for diploma education.The government and related institutions should increase investment for construction of primary health personnel, formulate effective policies and measures, and encourage primary care doctors to participate in diploma education, in order to substantially raise the level of primary health care.%目的 了解我省欠发达地区基层骨干医生的学历教育现状及需求情况,为基层卫生人才队伍建设提供依据.方法 采用自行设计的调查问卷,对广东省全科医师骨干培训班的194名学员进行现场自填式问卷调查.结果 被调查的194名基层骨干医生中,参加过或正在参加在职学历教育者占63.9%;参加的学历教育形式以半脱产学习为主,占79.0%.有86.1%的被调查者对学历教育有需求,不同职称和类别的骨干医生学历教育需求间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),初级及以下职称骨干医生的需求高于中级及以上职称的骨干医生;非在编骨干医生的学历教育需求高于在编骨干医生.结论 基层骨干医生对学历教育有较大需求;政府和相关部门应该加大对基层卫生人才队伍建设的投入,制定有效政策和措施,鼓励基层医生参加学历教育,切实提高基层医疗卫生服务水平.



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