首页> 中文期刊>中国全科医学 >家庭病床患者安全评价指标体系的构建研究



Objective To explore the establishment of the index system to evaluate the safety of patients receiving home health care service. Methods The methods of literature research and field interview were applied to draw up the security indexes for patients receiving home health care service. And then the Delphi method was taken to screen the indexes by consulting experts in two rounds. Results All the 15 experts participated in the two rounds of consultation were averagely aged 45. 8 years. Their average number of years of work experience was 23. 7 , and 53. 3% of them had senior professional title, engaging in community health services, health administration, or public health service. In the two rounds of consultation the experts' positive coefficients were 100. 0% and the authority coefficient was respectively 0. 70 and 0. 71. The final index system established for evaluation of the safety of patients receiving home health care service included nine first - graded indexes and thirty - five second -graded indexes, and the corresponding weights were calculated. Conclusion We primarily establish an evaluation index system for the safety of patients receiving home health service, and determine the weight of each index. Furthermore, we also put forth that the administrating idea should take the patients' safety as the guidance.%目的 探索建立适用于家庭病床患者安全的评价指标体系.方法 通过文献研究和访谈法,拟定家庭病床患者安全的各项指标;运用德尔菲法,进行两轮专家咨询对指标进行筛选.结果 15位参与两轮咨询的专家的平均年龄为45.8岁,平均工作年限为23.7年,53.3%(8/15)具有高级职称,从事社区卫生服务、卫生行政管理、公共卫生等领域工作.两轮咨询中,专家的积极系数均为100.0%,权威系数分别为0.70和0.71.最终确立了家庭病床患者安全的评价指标体系,包括9个一级指标,35个二级指标,并计算出相应的权重.结论 初步构建了社区家庭病床患者安全的评价指标体系并确定了各指标的权重,提出家庭病床的管理思路应以患者安全为导向.



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