首页> 中文期刊> 《全科护理》 >门急诊静脉药物配置中心与护理环节的相关性研究




Objective:To study the correlation of intravenous drug distribution center and nursing outpatient and nursing process in outpatient service and emergency.Methods:Selected 660 patients carried a daily average of in-fusion admitted in our hospital from June 2011 to June 2013 admitted in our hospital,according to infusion man-ner they were averagely divided in two groups,control group were treated with traditional open methods of infu-sion,the experimental group were given to outpatient intravenous drug configuration center mode,the two groups were observed nursing defects and the incidence of infusion waiting time,hand training staff values,cul-tures table configuration values,and air training value were compared between two groups.Results:The experi-mental group of care flaws incidence and infusion waiting time,staff training value of the hand,the physical con-figuration table culture values,air cultivation was significantly lower than the control group,the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion:intravenous drug distribution center of outpatient service and emergency emergency can effectively reduce the incidence of nursing defects,shorten the waiting time for patients, improve patient medication safety,is reasonable arrangements for the use of human resources.%[目的]探讨门急诊静脉药物配置中心与护理环节的相关性。[方法]选择静脉输液的660例病人,根据输液方式进行分组,对照组病人给予传统开放性输液方式,观察组病人给予门诊静脉药物配置中心方式。观察两组病人护理缺陷发生率以及输液等候时间,比较两组工作人员的手卫生培养值、药物配置间物表的培养值以及空气培养值。[结果]观察组的护理缺陷发生率、输液等候时间、工作人员手卫生培养值、配置间物表培养值、空气培养值低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]应用门急诊静脉药物配置中心可以有效降低护理缺陷发生率,缩短病人等候的时间,提高病人用药的安全性,合理安排人力资源的利用。



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