首页> 中文期刊> 《中外医学研究》 >健康教育对提高育龄妇女口服叶酸知识水平的效果分析




Objective:To know about the impact of health education and culture standard on improving fertile women’s knowledge about folate. Method:296 fertile women were tested by 100 points paper before and after health education and their pass rates were compared.Average marks of fertile women different culture standard before and after health education were counted and analyzed.Result:Pass rate of fertile women before and after health education were respectively 74.66% and 88.51%(P<0.01).After education,knowledge about folate fertile for women different culture standard were similar(P>0.05). The result of taking folate,knowing the time of taking folate,knowing the effect of folate,etc before and after education for 296 fertile women were statistical significance(P<0.01).Conclusion:Health education before pregnancy can improve the knowledge of importance of taking folate for fertile women and it applies to various culture standards.%目的:了解健康教育以及不同文化程度对提高育龄妇女对叶酸知识掌握的影响。方法:对296名育龄妇女进行现场调查与测试,在健康教育之前与之后对所有育龄妇女进行满分100分的试卷调查,对比教育前后的及格率;对不同文化程度孕妇教育前后的平均分数进行统计,分析不同文化程度对叶酸知识了解的影响。结果:教育前后育龄妇女总及格率分别为74.66%、88.51%(P<0.01);教育后不同文化程度妇女对叶酸知识的了解基本一致(P>0.05);296名育龄妇女健康教育前后对于服用叶酸、知道叶酸的服用时间、知道叶酸的作用等项目评估结果比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:孕前健康教育有助于育龄妇女体提高对叶酸服用重要性的认识,并且对不同文化程度的育龄妇女均具有适用性。



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