首页> 中文期刊> 《纺织导报》 >解读杂宝纹的寓意--以清朝宫廷服饰为例




The study on miscellaneous treasure patterns is designed to sort out the applications of miscellaneous treasure patterns on court dress of Qing Dynasty. Based on history books and the cultural relics of court dresses of Qing Dynasty, the paper interprets the meaning, cultural origin and history represented by each kind of miscellaneous treasure pattern and the technique of expression. It concludes that hailing good luck and longevity is the core attitude towards life and the way of thinking of Chinese people, and local culture holds tolerant attitude towards religions and allows various religions to coexist. Miscellaneous treasure pattern is a unique pattern clan in the court dress culture of Qing Dynasty.%研究杂宝纹的目的是梳理出杂宝纹在清朝宫廷服装上的应用状态。研究依托历史典籍和清朝宫廷服饰文物,解读杂宝纹各自代表的寓意、文化渊源和历史,以及表现手法。杂宝纹揭示了祈求万福万寿是中国人的人生态度和思维方式的核心,本土文化对宗教宽容的态度,并使之多元并存的状态。杂宝纹是清朝宫廷服饰文化中独具特色的纹样群落。



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