首页> 中文期刊>中国铁道科学 >适用于正线机车的无线调车机车信号和监控系统的研究与试验




根据正线机车在沿线车站进行临时调车作业的特点,在既有的STP-yh(原DJK)型无线调车机车信号和监控系统的基础上,研发适用于正线机车的无线调车机车信号和监控系统.地面设备与计算机联锁系统的接口方式采用光通道,车载设备通过文件调用方式或者无线传输方法获取站场数据文件,机车定位采用基于GPS的综合定位技术.该系统在陇海线的试用结果表明,机车自动入网正确率达到了100%,实现了对正线机车在沿途车站进行调车时的作业安全防护.该系统将STP-yh系统的应用范围拓展至正线机车上.%According to the characteristics of the main line locomotives temporary shunting operation in stations along railway line? Radio shunting cab signaling and monitoring system applicable to main line locomotives is researched and developed based on the existing STP-yh (former DJK) radio shunting cab signaling and monitoring system. Ground equipment communicates with computer interlocking system through fiber connector. On-board equipment obtains station data files through calling mode or radio transmission method. Locomotive position is determined using GPS-based comprehensive positioning technology. The experimental results of the system in Longhai Railway show that the correct rate of locomotive automatic access reaches 100%, and the operation safety of main line locomotive is protected when shunting in stations along railway line. This system has expanded the application range of STP-yh system to the locomotives of main lines.



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