首页> 中文期刊>中国矿业 >试析中国铜产业存在的问题与对策建议




Recently,China has become the world's largest copper consumer,and copper production has shown a gradual increase in the world production. By analyzing current situation of Chinese copper resources and copper industry,this paper argues that there are still some urgent problems existing in Chinese copper industry to be solved. For example, Chinese copper resources are in short supply bringing about highly external dependence; Copper industrial concentration is low tending to be discrete; Sophisticated copper products restricted by the technology and equipments are difficult to meet domestic demand;Copper tailings' comprehensive utilization is lacking. Therefore, in order to guarantee the healthy and sustainable development of the Chinese copper industry and the security of national economy.it is suggested that our country should focus entirely on the survey of domestic copper resources, positively implement the strategy of "walking out" at the same time, improve the degree of copper industrial centralization, promote the development of sophisticated copper products,and make full use of renewable copper resources.%中国目前已成为全球最大的铜消费国,铜产量占世界总产量的比重也逐年增高.本文通过中国铜资源及铜产业发展现状分析,提出中国铜产业中尚存在一些亟待解决的问题:我国铜资源供应不足,对外依存度高;铜产业集中度较低,趋于离散化;受技术与设备的制约,高精端铜产品难以满足国内需求;我国铜尾矿资源综合利用不足.因此,为了保障我国铜产业健康可持续发展和国家经济的安全,建议重点加强国内铜矿资源勘查,同时实施“走出去”的战略,提高铜产业集中化程度,促进铜产品向高精端发展,充分回收利用可再生铜资源.



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