首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学装备》 >在医院医疗用楼改建中医学装备部门的工程配合




Objective: This paper aims that the department of equipment management how to cooperate with infrastructure sector smoothly in the four periods (prophase, medium-term, late stage, adjustment period). Methods: Department of equipment management should participate in the demand discussing in the prophase. During the medium-term, suppliers who provide medical equipments requiring special installation condition should be selected. In the late stage, medical equipments should be installed. During the adjustment period, department of equipment management should account for fixed assets. Results: By means of close cooperation, medical building is put into use smoothly. Conclusion: Closerncooperation between the department of equipment management and infrastructure sector is important.%目的:随着越来越多的医院通过新建或改建、扩建现代化医疗用楼来改善就医环境和提升医院综合实力,国内各大口腔医院口腔诊椅数量逐年递增.在这些口腔椅位增加的医疗用楼改建、扩建中,应重视医学装备部门的紧密配合.方法:介绍在口腔医院医疗用楼改扩建中4个阶段医学装备部门如何做好配合,即前期参与医疗用房需求探讨;中期确定对水电气及环境有特殊需求医学装备供货商;后期完成设备安装、调试及验收;休整期办理货款支付、资产上账及成本核算事宜.结果:通过医学装备部门在4个阶段的配合,使医疗用楼顺利投入使用.结论:在医疗用楼改扩建过程中,医学装备管理部门的紧密配合至关重要.医学装备管理部门要根据医学装备的类型、对安装技术的要求,在不同的基建工程阶段予以针对性的配合.



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