首页> 中文期刊>中国医疗设备 >传统乳腺癌放疗定位托架的改进




Objective To improve the structure of the conventional breast radiotherapy positioning bracket so as to fixate the patient’s body in breast radiotherapy positioning in a more effective way. Methods Both sides of the conventional breast radiotherapy positioning bracket were equipped with a pair of movable organic glass panels whose sliding distance can be measured by the ruler on the bracket. Results A case of breast cancer patient was selected and fixated with the conventional positioning bracket and the improved one so to as compare the displacement deviation of 10 positions. All the positions were marked on the skin of the patient. The results showed that the deviation of the conventional bracket was (7.5±0.65) mm versus the improved bracket’s (1.5±0.32) mm. Conclusion The improved breast radiotherapy positioning bracket proved its effectiveness in ifxation of the patient’s upper body and improved the precision of positioning in breast cancer radiotherapies.%目的:对传统乳腺癌放疗定位托架的结构进行改进,以更有效地固定乳腺癌放疗定位时病人的体部。方法在传统乳腺癌放疗定位托架倾斜板的左右两侧装配1对可滑动的有机玻璃挡板,挡板的滑动位移值可由托架面上的刻度尺指示。结果对1例乳腺癌病人,分别应用改进前和改进后的定位托架进行摆位,并对其10次摆位的体表标记点位移偏差进行比较。结果显示,应用改进前托架的体表标记点摆位偏差为(7.5±0.65)mm;应用改进后托架的体表标记点摆位偏差为(1.5±0.32)mm。结论改进后的乳腺癌放疗定位托架能够更有效地固定病人上体部,从而提高乳腺癌病人的放疗定位精度。



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