首页> 中文期刊>中国医疗设备 >GE Innova3100-IQ血管机故障维修实例分析

GE Innova3100-IQ血管机故障维修实例分析



GE Innova 3100-IQ is important equipment of Chest Pain Center in our hospital. This paper mainly discussed two maintenance cases of GE Innova 3100-IQ, failures of which were deeply analyzed, troubleshooting was carried out with understanding of section circuit, and the failures were finally been solved. GE Innova series products were widely used in hospitals, analyzing of which could give references to similar faults. When facing similar problems, these experience can save maintenance time and ensure that clinical work is carried out smoothly.%GE公司的Innova 3100-IQ是我院胸痛中心的重要设备,本文通过分析该型号血管机的两例常见故障,对故障原因进行深入分析,并在掌握设备电路图的基础上对于故障电路进行了维修,最终相应故障得到解决.GE公司的Innova系列机器在各大医院中使用较多,本文所描述的故障具有典型性,通过故障的详尽分析,对其他类似故障有一定的参考价值.在遇到类似故障时,可以更快速的找到故障原因,恢复设备,保障临床工作的顺利开展.



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