首页> 中文期刊>照明工程学报 >不同光质补光对番茄、黄瓜幼苗生长的影响




The effects of light quality on the growth of tomato and cucumber seedlings were studied by different Light Emitting Diode ( LEDs) supplemental lighting ( red 630 ~660nm, orange 590 ~610nm, blue 450~460nm, green 520~540nm, 12 h, 120μmol·m-2·s-1). The results showed that, under the red and blue supplemental lighting treatment, leaf area, seedling index, concentration of photosynthetic pigment, fresh weight and dry weight of plant and shoot in tomato seedling were significantly higher than those of other treatments. Under the red and green supplemental lighting treatment, plant height and stem diameter of tomato seedling significantly increased. Under supplemental lighting treatments, the plant height significantly decreased while seedling index significantly increased in cucumber seedling, especially under red and blue lighting treatment. The chlorophyll concentrations in cucumber seedling decreased under red, orange and blue LED supplemental lighting.%研究4种不同光质(红、橙、蓝、绿光) LED 灯补光对番茄、黄瓜幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:红、蓝光补光处理下番茄幼苗的真叶面积、全株干鲜重、地上部干鲜重、壮苗指数、光合色素含量均显著高于其他处理,红光、绿光补光处理下番茄幼苗的株高、茎粗显著提高;各光质补光处理均显著降低黄瓜幼苗的株高,提高黄瓜幼苗的壮苗指数,并以红、蓝光效果最佳,而红、橙、蓝光补光处理均显著降低黄瓜幼苗的叶绿素含量。



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