首页> 中文期刊> 《中国卫生标准管理》 >自发酮症起病的肥胖糖尿病患者的临床特征及分型




目的 探讨自发酮症起病的肥胖糖尿病患者的临床特征及分型.方法 选取我院78例糖尿病患者作为研究对象,将自发酮症起病的糖尿病患者依据其特征分为肥胖组19例;正常体重组41例和低体重组28例.比较肥胖组患者与其他两组患者在胰岛功能方面存在的差异.结果 三组患者起病时的血糖状况、体重下降状况以及酮症和酸中毒状况比较无明显差异(P>0.05),但肥胖组患者发生酮症和酸中毒时胰岛素缺乏较轻.结论 糖尿病逐渐为我国所重视,其对糖尿病的分型是为了对其病因和发病的机制进行探讨分析,同时为科学的治疗以及预后判断提供了基本根据.%Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics of ketosis prone diabetes patients with obesity and type.Methods78 cases of diabetic patients as the research object, the diabetic patients with ketosis prone on the basis of the features are divided into obesity group and 19 cases of normal weight group; 41 cases and 28 cases of low body weight. There are diferences in the islet function in obese patients and patients in the other two groups.Results The three groups of patients at the onset of the body weight, decreased blood glucose status had no significant diference and ketosis and acidosis condition (P>0.05), but the obese group occurred in patients with ketosis and acidosis, insulin deficiency is light.Conclusion Diabetes gradualy to our attention, the diabetes melitus type to the mechanism of the etiology and pathogenesis were analyzed, at the same time as the scientific treatment and prognosis to provide basic according to.



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