首页> 中文期刊> 《中国卫生标准管理》 >病区换药室医院感染控制调查及对策




目的:对病区换药室临床操作中存在的问题进行分析,针对具体问题,提出相应的改进措施。方法回顾性分析我院2015年1~9月病区换药室感染控制管理中发现的问题,针对具体问题建立感染质控网,规范操作流程,调查患者满意度,加强与相关部门沟通。结果手卫生不彻底发生34次,无菌物品保存方式不合理问题发生28次,换药室管理不到位发生78次,未严格无菌操作发生64次,换药室消毒不及时发生47次。结论深入分析医院换药室在临床操作中存在的问题是加强医院感染管理控制的重要体现,积极寻找感染诱因,强化感染管理控制力度,有利于降低院内感染率。%ObjectiveThe paper analyzes the problems in the clinical operation of dressing room,and puts forward the corresponding improvement measures according to the specific problems.MethodsTo analyze the problems found in the hospital infection control and management in the dressing room of our ward from January to September 2015. To establish the infection quality control network,standardize the operation flow,investigate the patient satisfaction and strengthen the communication with the relevant departments.ResultsHand hygiene is not completely in 34 times,sterile items to save the way unreasonable problems occurred 28 times,dressing room management was not in place 78 times,not strictly aseptic operation occurred 64 times,dressing room disinfection is not timely in 47 times.Conclusion In depth analysis of the hospital dressing room in the clinical operation of the problem to strengthen the management and control of hospital infection is an important embodiment. Actively looking for incentives to strengthen infection control efforts to can reduce the hospital infection rate.



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