首页> 中文期刊>中国卫生产业 >河南省新农合医疗实施的问题、现状及建议




Objective To study the effect of the new rural cooperative medical system in Henan Province on the farmers' living and investment level, and to analyze the effect and shortage of the new rural cooperative medical system in Henan province. Methods Using dummy variable regression to analyze the influence of farmer households suffering from serious illness on the non medical living expenses and investment expenditure, and compared the situation before and after the new rural cooperative medical care system. Results In 2006 there were large medical expenses of farmers, living standards de-clined by 12%, the proportion rose to 15%in 2007, and remained stable, in 2010 is still 15%;in 2006 there are large med-ical expenses of farmers, the investment level fell by 14%, the proportion rose to 17% in 2007, and its continued to rise, and fell to 15% in 2010. Conclusion The implementation of the new year, farmers poverty caused by illness degree showed no relief. With the increase of protection and reimbursement amount, alleviate the strong NCMS to farmers in poverty caused by illness phenomenon phenomenon.%目的 研究河南省新农合医疗实施以来对农户生活及投资水平的影响,分析河南省新农合实施的效果和不足.方法 使用虚拟变量回归分别分析农户患大病对非医疗生活支出、投资支出的影响,并将新农合实施前后的情况进行比较. 结果 2006年有大额医疗支出的农户,生活水平下降12%,该比例在2007年上升至15%,并于其后保持稳定, 2010年仍为15%;2006年有大额医疗支出的农户,投资水平下降14%,该比例在2007年上升至17%,其后未继续上升,且在2010年下降为15%.结论新农合实施当年,农户的因病致贫、因病返贫程度未见明显缓解.随着保障力度和报销金额的增大,新农合对农户因病返贫现象的缓解强于因病致贫现象.



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