首页> 中文期刊>中国卫生产业 >PDCA循环管理法在医院药事与药物使用管理工作中的应用




Objective For the use of PDCA cycle management method in the hospital pharmacy and drug use in the management of application effect. Methods Two hospitals selected for the experiment to explore the object, take the hospital PDCA cycle man-agement method in the hospital pharmacy and drug use in the management of the observation group and the control group is the ordinary routine of the hospital pharmacy management and drug administration, and then the two houses were relatively error rate of medication and medical personnel medical staff and patient satisfaction with the hospital management. Results The hospital's medical staff of medication error rate was significantly lower than the control group of hospitals, and medical personnel and hospi-tal patients in the observation group to the hospital management level of satisfaction was significantly higher hospital. Between the two groups was statistically significant,(P<0.05). Conclusion PDCA circulation management method to improve the correct rate of medical personnel, and greatly increased the quality of care medical staff, so it improves patient satisfaction with hospital manage-ment tools worth introduce and promote the use of the medical profession in the treatment.%目的:探讨PDCA循环管理法在医院药事与药物使用管理工作中的应用效果。方法选取两家医院在医院药事与药物使用管理工作中采取PDCA循环管理法的医院为观察组,对照组则是采用普通常规的管理方法对医院药事与药物进行管理,分别比较两院医务人员用药的错误率以及医务人员和患者对该项医院管理的满意程度。结果观察医院的医务人员用药的错误率明显低于对照医院,而观察医院的医务人员以及患者对该医院管理的满意程度明显高于对照组医院。两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 PDCA循环管理法提高了医务人员的用药正确率,提高了患者对医务人员的信任,并且大大增高了医务人员的治疗质量和满意度,值得医疗界引进及推广。



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