首页> 中文期刊>中国保健营养 >探究晚期妊娠妇女的临床心电图改变及异常心电图分布状况




Objective:to study the clinical ecg changes late pregnant women and the distribution of the abnormal ecg.Methods::our hospital in November 201 3 - November 201 5 women in late pregnancy,80 cases as the research object,the experiments for all women clinical electrocardiogram (ecg)changes of abnormal ecg distribution were observed and compared.Results:in all pregnant women,38 pa-tients with a sinus differential,4 patients with a sinus slow,in patients with sinus not neat 8 cases,incomplete right bundle branch block (6 cases,6 cases patients with stage appeared before contraction,a shortened period between 8 cases of patients,PR in ST -t period of 10 patients with change.Conclusion::to middle-late pregnancy pregnant women,if there is a serious arrhythmia,need for patients to imple-ment further examination,and determine whether patients with combined organic cardiovascular disease.%目的::探讨晚期妊娠妇女临床心电图改变情况以及异常心电图分布情况。方法:将我院2013年11月-2015年11月收治的晚期妊娠妇女80例作为本次实验研究对象,针对所有妇女的临床心电图改变情况以及异常心电图分布情况进行观察对比。结果:在所有孕妇中,出现窦速患者38例,出现窦缓患者4例,出现窦不齐患者8例,出现不完全性右束支阻滞患者6例,出现期前收缩患者6例,出现 PR 间期缩短患者8例,出现 ST-T 段改变患者10例。结论:对于妊娠中晚期孕妇,如果出现了严重的心律失常情况,需要对患者实施进一步检查,并且判断患者是否合并出现器质性心血管疾病。



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