首页> 中文期刊> 《中外医疗》 >克罗米芬抵抗的PCOS患者经二甲双胍治疗后基础激素水平的变化及对促排卵的影响




目的:探讨克罗米芬抵抗的PCOS(多囊卵巢综合症)患者经二甲双胍联合克罗米芬治疗后,排卵组和无排卵组基础激素水平的变化差异。方法回顾性分析该院2009年3月-2014年6月IUI治疗过程中PCOS患者,从中筛选克罗米芬抵抗的PCOS患者(经克罗米芬治疗3周期无排卵)。经二甲双胍治疗3个月后,进入IUI(人工授精)治疗周期,检测患者本周期月经第3天血清中E2、LH、FSH、T含量,同时给予克罗米芬促排卵,监测本治疗周期排卵情况。根据排卵情况分为排卵组和无排卵组。分别比较排卵组和无排卵组血清中E2、LH、FSH、T、E2/T变化差异。结果克罗米芬抵抗的PCOS患者在二甲双胍治疗前,排卵组和无排卵组E2、LH、FSH、LH/FSH、T、E2/T没有差异(P>0.05),经二甲双胍治疗3个月经周期后,排卵组与无排卵组E2、LH、FSH、LH/FSH、T没有差异(P>0.05)但排卵组E2/T比值高于无排卵组,两者之间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论克罗米芬抵抗的PCOS患者经二甲双胍治疗后,E2/T比值较高的患者可能更适合进一步采用克罗米芬促排卵。%Objective To expolre the changes in basal hormone levels and ovulation of PCOS patients with clomiphene resistance after metformin , and give some suggestion for PCOS patients with clomiphene resistance when again using clomiphene citrate ovulation. Methods Retrospectively analysed the data PCOS women with clomiphene resistance, from January 2009 to the January 2013 in our unit. After treament of metformin all the patients were divided into two groups (vulatory group and anovulatory group) according to ovulation. Analysized the difference of E2, LH, FSH, T and the ratio of E2 to T between two groups. Results There was no significant difference about E2, LH, FSH, T between two groups before and after treatment. Hower the E2/T of vulatory group was significantly higher than anovulatory group. Conclusion Basal hormone levels single (E2, FSH, LH, T) level cannot predict whether ovulation occurs in PCOS patients with clomiphene resistance again after metformin. The high E2/T ratio of pa-tients may be more suitable for clomiphene citrate ovulation.



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