首页> 中文期刊> 《中外医疗》 >RVVC患者与VVC患者的流行病学研究




Objective To discuss the characteristics of epidemiology of RVVC (recurrent vulvar vaginal candidiasis) patients and VVC (vulvar vaginal candidiasis) patients. Methods 12365 cases of patients treated in our hospital from May 2014 to May 2015 were selected and all patients were given vaginal discharge mycology microscopy, 500 cases of patients were with VVC in this study (4.04%), among them, 30 cases were with RVVC (0.24%), the VVC patients and RVVC patients were carefully investigated and registered and given related analysis. Results The differences in the hormone choice, antibiotic choice, acyeterion choice, implementation of replacement therapy and personal hygiene custom between RVVC patients and VVC patients were not obvious(P>0.05), the occurrence of RVVC had a close relationship with the local immune abnormal-ities that patients showed, the difference in the previous drug-taking between the RVVC patients and VVC patients was not obvious (P>0.05). Conclusion The VVC disease or RVVC situation can pose a serious threat to the patient’s physical and mental health, the occurrence of RVVC in patients has a certain relationship with the local immune abnormalities that pa-tients show, therefore, we need rationally choose sensitive antifungal agents to treat RVVC patients and also need implement the consolidation of the course of treatment.%目的:探讨VVC(外阴阴道念珠菌病)患者同RVVC(复发性VVC)患者的流行病学特点。方法整群选择该院2014年5月—2015年5月就诊患者12365例,针对所有患者实施阴道分泌物真菌学镜检。在该研究的12365例患者中。患有VVC疾病的患者例数为500例(4.04%);表现出RVVC患者例数为30例(0.24%)。针对VVC患者以及RVVC患者认真实施调查登记以及相关分析。结果针对RVVC患者同VVC患者二者之间进行比较发现,在选择激素、选择抗生素、选择避孕药、实施替代治疗以及个人卫生习惯方面,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),分析出现RVVC的情况同患者表现出局部免疫异常具有密切的关系。针对以往用药进行分析发现,RVVC患者同VVC患者之间,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论患者患有VVC疾病或者表现出RVVC的情况后,针对患者的身心健康会造成严重的威胁。患者出现RVVC同患者出现局部免疫异常表现出一定的关联,对此针对RVVC患者,需要合理选择敏感抗真菌药物进行治疗,并且需要实施疗程巩固。



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