首页> 中文期刊> 《中国食品添加剂》 >藏香猪卷肉包加工技术研究




The Tibetan pork roll was used Tibetan boneless carcass meat as the cover with vegetables stuffed in the roll. After a specific processing, the final product has a golden yellow color, a good texture and elasticity, and medium salt-y. It is not only satisfied peoples requirement for meats flavor but also shows the characteristics of Tibetan porks. The research studied formula, the shape, and pretreatment of the stuffing, the flavor as well as the frying processing. Through the single factor experiment, the orthogonal test determined the best formula was; ginger garlic 4% , soy sauce 15% , salad oil 4% , pepper power 0. 4% , Sichuan pepper 0. 7% , paprika 1.1%, cumin powder 0. 4% . The best proportion of barley wine and Tsampa was 1:1. The optimum frying process was under 155℃ for 4min.%藏香猪卷肉包是将藏香猪白条肉剔骨后的肉胚作为制作卷肉包的皮,然后填充新鲜蔬菜,经特定加工工艺处理形成的产品,产品具有色泽金黄,填充物紧密,弹性良好,咸淡适中等优点,既符合了人们日常已接受的肉制品的风味,又体现了藏香猪皮薄肉嫩,鲜香适口的特点.研究内容涉及了卷肉包腌制配方,卷肉包的造型、填充料以及体现产品特色风味的沾料的预处理、调味、炸制等方面.通过单因素试验、正交试验确定了产品最佳加工工艺和腌制辅料配方,得出了藏香猪卷肉包腌制辅料的最优配方为姜蒜4%、生 抽15%、色拉油4%、胡椒粉0.4%、花椒粉0.7%、辣椒粉1.1%、孜然粉0.4%,青稞酒和青稞炒面的最佳比例为1:1,油炸的最佳温度是155℃,油炸的最佳时间为4min.



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