首页> 中文期刊>中国数字医学 >大型综合性医院门诊预约挂号存在的问题及对策探讨




目的:通过对某大型综合性医院预约门诊现状进行调查分析,提出更加合理的门诊预约挂号对策。方法:通过医院HIS及预约网络系统获得全院预约挂号及总体挂号数据,进行比较。结果:预约挂号相关信息覆盖面窄、患者的挂号习惯问题、预约就诊者首选专家号等是造成预约挂号率低的客观因素。结论:有效的预约就诊宣传,保证充足的号源,加强医院与预约患者的信用管理等是提高预约就诊的有效手段。%Objective: To find the crux of the problem of the reservation for outpatient service by the analysis the large general hospital reservation status survey and thus make more rational methods of out-patient preregistration. Methods: Analyzed the total registered data which we got through HIS system and hospital appointments network system for all hospital preregistration. Results: The narrow preregistration information coverage, patients registered habits, booking clients preferred expert, were the objective factors of low booking rate of preregistration. Conclusions: A valid booking visit publicity, get plenty of source, strengthen the hospital patients with reservation of credit management are maybe effective means for increasing rate of preregistration.



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