首页> 中文期刊>中国数字医学 >新版一体化医护工作站应用的深度挖掘




Objective: To expand the functions of the new version of integrated medical workstation, optimize the workflow, improve the usability of the system and maximize the medical quality of the hospital. Methods: According to the actual situation of the hospital, with the cooperation with factory engineers, the mode of integration of information systems of the hospital and the integrated medical workstation is deeply explored. Results: No.1 Military Medical Project Resident Doctor Workstation, nurse workstation and other system functions are integrated and optimized. At the same time the integration of LIS, PACS, ECG, rational drug use and other systems is realized. Conclusion: The application of the new version of integrated medical workstation is deeply explored. By optimizing the system process and integrating various kinds of information application systems, the work efficiency of medical personnel and the medical quality of hospital can be greatly improved.%目的:对新版一体化医护工作站的各项功能进行拓展,优化工作流程,提高系统的易用性,并最大限度提升医院的医疗质量。方法:根据医院自身实际情况,采取与厂家工程师合作的方式,深度挖掘医院各信息系统与一体化医护工作站的整合模式。结果:将“军卫一号”住院医生工作站和护士工作站等系统功能整合在一起,并进行了优化,同时也实现了LIS、PACS、心电、合理用药等系统的集成。结论:对新版一体化医护工作站应用进行深度挖掘,通过优化系统流程、集成各类信息应用系统,能极大提高医护人员的工作效率和医院的医疗质量。



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