首页> 中文期刊>中国数字医学 >医院临床数据中心(CDR)及应用的建设体会




基于HL7 V3 RIM/RMIM并参考卫生部基于CDR的电子病历等相关标准,构建临床数据中心的数据模型,采用成熟的数据库技术实现业务数据的采集和聚合,临床数据中心平台立足于医院已有的信息系统基础之上,将封闭在多套孤立信息系统中的数据汇集在一起,实现全院临床业务数据的物理集中,并将其转变成各种有价值的信息,以帮助医院实现持续的质量改进和服务创新。通过临床数据中心建设,使临床业务系统和综合业务系统的分离成为可能,基于数据中心开发综合业务系统,满足了医院对病人服务、质控管理以及临床科研等方面的数据利用需求,同时又最大程度地保证了临床业务系统的性能和稳定性。%The data model of CDR is in compliance with HL7 V3 RIM/RMIM and the regulatory requirements on CDR-based EMR by the Ministry of Health, using the mature database technology to capture and aggregate the data. The CDR platform is built on top of the existing transactional information systems, liberating the siloed data and transforming the data into useful information to support continuous quality improvement and care innovation. Through the CDR construction, the transactional information systems are separated from the analytical information systems. Health data analytics is conducted on the data center to fully satisfy the data utilization requirements on care provision, quality assurance and clinical research, while ensuring the performance and stability of the transactional information systems to the maximum extent.



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