首页> 中文期刊> 《中国继续医学教育》 >厄洛替尼不良反应的发生规律及特点分析




Objective To research and analysis of erlotinib imatinib clinical treatment of adverse reactions. Analysis the law, provide a reference for clinical application.Methods Use the searching with keywords erlotinib for ‘Nigeria’‘adverse effects’and‘law’and‘features’of research reports and information access, selected a total of 180 papers, 180 patients, in order to analyze the erlotinib erlotinib after the occurrence of adverse reactions. Results All the patients with adverse reactions were diagnosed as lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, laryngeal cancer, gastric cancer, oral cancer. Male patients than in female patients and patients with daily use of erlotinib 150 mg of imatinib and other drugs combined with, adverse reactions occur rate is higher than the single drug. Adverse reactions without rules, based on adverse reaction of skin system and 42.22% patients appeared the symptoms of adverse reactions, 39.44% patients appeared the symptoms of digestive system, 18.34%of the patients appeared respiratory system, nervous system, blood system, urinary system and reproductive system adverse reactions.ConclusionPatients were treated with erlotinib imatinib therapy, patients pay attention to the adverse reaction, rational drug use, early prevention adverse reactions, can enhance the safety and effcacy of drug therapy.%目的:研究厄洛替尼临床治疗出现的不良反应情况,分析其规律。方法使用检索的方式对具有关键词“厄洛替尼”“不良反应”“规律”“特点”等的研究报道和资料进行查阅,共选取了180篇,180例患者,分析厄洛替尼后发生不良反应情况。结果全部出现不良反应的患者病情为肺癌、胰腺癌、喉癌、胃癌、口腔癌。男性比女性多,患者每天使用150 mg的厄洛替尼和其他药物联用时,不良反应发生率高于单独用药。不良反应没有规律性,以皮肤系统不良反应为主,42.22%的患者出现该类不良反应症状,39.44%的患者出现了消化系统症状,18.34%的患者出现呼吸系统、神经系统、血液系统、泌尿系统以及生殖系统不良反应。结论患者接受厄洛替尼治疗的时候,需要关注患者的不良反应情况,合理用药,提前预防不良反应,能够提升用药治疗的安全性和有效性。



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