首页> 中文期刊>中国陶瓷工业 >北宋官窑瓷研究




北宋官窑瓷在型、胎、釉、气泡以及开片上的制作技艺都堪称难以逾越,其型之神韵古朴浑厚而不失精巧俊秀,其胎之坚实、釉之厚润皆其它窑器不可与之比肩.气泡之"聚沫攒珠",开片之"形如龟背、色如鳝血",亦其之显著特征,后世各朝概莫能仿.本文根据实物对北宋官窑瓷形成的特征进行逐条剖析.%Official ceramic wares of Northern Song Dynasty are considered unsurpassable whether it be their form, their idea, their formulation of body and glaze, or their use of bubbles and crackles. Their well-crafted forms look simple but not without exquisiteness. Their tough and rigid body is covered with smooth jadelike glaze that no other ceramic wares can compare. Their ingenious use of bubbles creates the effect of streaming water and crackles the impression of the tortoiseshell. However, these features of theirs can never be mimicked by their later generations. This paper analyzes the features of the official ceramics from the Northern Song Dynasty through the direct observation of the authentic samples.



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