首页> 中文期刊>中国陶瓷工业 >《中国出土瓷器全集》收录青白釉瓷器相关问题探讨




《中国出土瓷器全集》所收录的306件(组、套)青白釉瓷器,主要来源于墓葬、窑址、窖藏、遗址、塔基和古城等;出土地域广阔,江西、安徽和福建具有明显的数量优势,并与当时的窑业生产基本对应;综合纪年墓葬和其它出土资料,青白釉瓷器应该创烧于五代时期;根据统计资料,宋代为其高峰期;青白釉器类丰富、装饰多样、工艺精湛,不仅是我国古代陶瓷的重要艺术成就之一,也是社会大众突破隋唐"青"、"白"基调、审美情趣发展变化的标志之一.%The 306 bluish white porcelain wares included in Complete Collection of Ceramic Artifacts Unearthed in China were mainly excavated from tombs, kilns, hoards, tower sites, ancient cities, and so on. The excavation region is quite vast, in which Jiangxi, Anhui and Fujian provinces have apparent quantitative superiority, corresponding to the bluish white porcelain industry distribution. Synthesis analysis on the archaeological materials from dated tombs and other sites shows bluish white porcelain emerged in the Five Dynasties and bloomed in the Song Dynasty. The bluish white porcelain wares with exquisite workmanship have abundant types of shapes and decorations, which are not only important artistic achievement of ancient Chinese ceramics, but also the symbol on aesthetic taste variations of the public breaking through the 'green' and 'white' accordatura in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.



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