首页> 中文期刊> 《中国牛业科学》 >不同补饲水平对盘江黄牛放牧育肥效果的影响




选用60头盘江黄牛公牛,随机分为4个组(其中3个试验组1个对照组),在放牧情况下分别按每头每日2.0、2.5、3.0、0kg的水平补饲精料,90d的育肥结果表明:补饲组的增重水平和育肥效益,明显优于不补饲组。其中以补饲2.5kg组的效果最好,其日增重达到0.783kg,比对照组的0.231kg提高239%;育肥收入和日均收入分别为218.79元和2.43元,比对照组的145.53元和1.62元增加收入33.6%。表明放牧补饲能提高日增重,缩短养牛时间,增加养牛收入。%Sixty Panjiang Yellow Cattle were divided into four groups, one of them was control group, and the others were tested groups.The supplementary feeding of four groups on grazing was 0,2.0,2.5,3.0kg/d for every cattle,respectively.The results of feeding in 90 days showed the levels of body weight increasing and economic benefit were both higher than that of the tested group, and the group of supplementary feeding with 2.5kg/d was the best with a daily gain of 0.783kg, which was higher than the control group's by 23%. Total income and daily income were ¥218.79 and ¥2.43, which was higher than the control group's ¥145.53 and ¥1.62. It indicated that supplementary feeding could increase daily gain and income of cattle production.



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