首页> 中文期刊> 《中国牛业科学》 >不同营养水平对肉牛育肥效益的研究报告




[目的]通过饲喂比较试验,以期优化最佳肉牛配方。[方法]将24头试验牛平均分为A、B、C三组,每组10头,分别饲喂不同配方的饲料。[结果]表明:A组配方增重效果最明显,平均日增重达到1.19kg;B组配方增重较A组低0.06kg,平均日增重1.13kg;C组最少,平均日增重1.11kg。其结果组内个体间增重效果差异不显著(P〉0.05),A与B、C组间差异极显著(P〈0.01)。进一步作新复极法(LSR)检验,结果如表6,配方B、C增重效果不显著。而A与B、C均达到极显著水平。A组饲料报酬较高,料肉比12.39:1;C组次之,料肉比12.41:1;B组最低,料肉比12.75:1。A组饲料成本相对于B组、C组要低。[结论]从本地比较丰富的饲草料中,选择适口性好、易消化、营养水平相对较高的饲草料经过合理搭配,可提高肉牛育肥效益。%[Objective]In order to explore the best ods]24 Qin miscellaneous with similar body weight, feed formulation by feeding comparative test. [Meth physical development and in good health were ran groups. And the average daily gain was 1.19 kg. Group B was 1.13 kg,which was less 0.06 kg than that of group A. Group C was the worst, and the average daily gain weight was 1.11 kg. The wei individuals within groups was not significant (P〉0.05). The differences between A and ght gain effect on B,A and C were significant (P〈0.01). By new repolarization method (LSR) test, the weight gain effect of formula B and C was not significant. But between A and B, A and C, the difference was highly significant. Group A had higher feed efficiency, and the feed conversion ratio was 12.39 : 1, then followed C group, and the feed conversion ratio was 12.41 : 1;B group had the lowest feed conversion ratio of 12. 75 : 1. Feed cost of group A was lower compared to group B and C. [Conclusion]The compound of the local abundant forage, the palatability, digestible, nutrient levels relatively high forage after a reasonable match, could improve beef cattle fattening benefit.



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